Wine Options

Wine Options – wine tasting game

The uproarious blind tasting game which allows novices as much chance
of winning as seasoned wine drinkers.

Wine Options is prefaced by The Taste Revelation – a fun, fast-paced
animated wine tutorial, which will provide a crash course in how to
taste wine blind.

In the corporate event itself, your games master will present a series of
increasingly precise options for the identity of the wine you are tasting.
A typical series of questions might include Old World or New World?
Riesling, Chardonnay or Sauvignon Blanc? Australia or America? 2 years
old or 10 years old? Teams or individuals remain in the game only by
choosing the correct option.

For each question asked your group will receive concise, helpful
and objective coaching from the event. You will also collaborate
and deliberate with our wine cheat sheets, colour charts and
aroma phial kits!

How Long?

1 1/2 hours as standard. On request, the event length can be tailored
according to your preference.



Seated or reception-style/walk-about (for in-person or hybrid)?



Virtually, your premises, a location suggested by you, or a third party venue recommended by us.

glass icon


(ŏp’shən) noun. The act of choosing; choice.




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“We had a great time and everyone was very impressed with the whole afternoon – it was very classy and we all enjoyed it hugely.”